Platform Architect / Founder
Internet of Things is Quite old
Well... Nearly...
35 years old
The First IoT Device*
- A Coke Machine at Carnegie Mellon University, in 1982
- By four exercise challenged but ingenious graduate students, Mike Kazar, David Nichols, John Zsarnay, & Ivor Durham
- So they could check from their desks if the machine was loaded with cold coke
Did You Know :
The first webpage was created in 1991
Another Early IoT Device
- The Internet Toaster by John Romkey in 1989
- Connected to the internet with TCP/IP
- Controlled via Simple Networking Management Protocol Management Information Base (SNMP MIB)
- One control to turn on/off
The Trojan Room Coffee Pot
- Created by Quentin Stafford-Fraser and Paul Jardetzky in 1993
- It was located in the 'Trojan Room' within the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge
- It used to monitor the pot levels with an image being updated about 3x a minute and sent to the buildings server
Laziness is the Mother of Invention!
The Heart will notify The Hospital
"IoT Helps us keep our plants hydrated
and our baby butts dry"
- Sudha Jamthe,
IoT Disruptions
The Smart Toilet (*-*)
Garage Openers... What's new?
The Toothpaste Factory (*~*)
Industrial IoT
The world's most misunderstood programming language
Machine Precision
0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3
undefined can be defined
var someVar;
alert(someVar == undefined); //evaluates true
undefined = "I'm not undefined!";
var someVar;
alert(someVar == undefined); //evaluates false!
Scope can be faked
var animal = 'dog';
function getAnimal(adjective) {
console.log(adjective + ' ' + this.animal);
var myObj = {
animal: 'camel'
getAnimal.call(myObj, 'lovely'); //logs 'lovely camel'
null is an object
console.log(typeof null); //logs 'object'
nan is a number
console.log(typeof NaN); //logs 'Number'
console.log(NaN === NaN); //evaluates false
Automatic globals
function f() { foo = 123 };
console.log(foo); // logs 123
Type Coercion
'' == '0' //false
0 == '' //true
0 == '0' //true
false == 'false' //false
false == '0' //true
false == undefined //false
false == null //false
null == undefined //false
" \t\r\n" == 0 //true
What the...?
$ {} + [] // 0
$ {} + [] + '' // "0"
$ ({} + {}) // "[object Object][object Object]"
$ ({} + []) // "[object Object]"
$ Array(16).join() // ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
$ Array(16).join().length // 15
$ 'js' - 1 // NaN
Callback Hell
Here is Why?
- JS JS everywhere..
- Event Driven nature
- One language all the way!
- HUGE set of libraries and frameworks
- ES6 is here!
- Amazing community
- It is free! :P
IoT Reference Architecture
Where does JS fit in?
- Hardware
- Gateways - Hardware/Software
- Server/Data Aggregators
- Web Dashboards
- Mobile Apps
- Desktop Apps
Gateways - Software
Server/Data Aggregators
Web Dashboards
Mobile Apps
Desktop Apps